

Yesterday, I just got the results for PMR. The night before, I was stressed out, cause' I can't imagine what I'd do if I got lower than 6 A's. My parents be a little upset, but they'll be like, 'Hey, you've done your best!' That's what they kept telling me when they found out I was going to get the results that day.

I actually believed I was going to get 6 A's!! Like, at one test I fell asleep and the pengawas had to wake me up. She literally shook me awake. When I told my mum, she was really upset. At math, there were some I couldn't even get the answer!! Not many lah~  Of course, I can say it all now.

I was really nervous. When I arrived school I was actually calm... but as we line up in class and they said they were going to announce those who get 8 A's first and the one's who get 8 A's were to go on stage and take their slip~ Then I was nervous!! Like if they didn't mention my name, that means I obviously didn't get 8 A's!!

So I ask my friend to help me SMS for the results... But before I knew it~ I heard them say my name. MY name. When I took the slip, my hand was shaking. I kept smiling, hey! I was happy...

My parents were even happier. My mum texted all her friends and family. My dad told his family. I think they were acting a little too happy... Like- they didn't expected it. But~ when my sister got her result for UPSR and PSRA, she got a perfect score~ they weren't that happy as they were now. 

They kept telling everyone how shock they were and how they did not expect me to get straight A's. I felt a little hurt. I was shock too and I didn't expect it either. I only got 1 A 7B for trial.

My friends say, they knew I was going to get 8 A's. This is what she wrote to me...  Alhamdulilah. Kalau awak tak dapat 8A saya sanggup bayar duit untuk semakan semula. ~You work hard more & better than me ~ Ini yg selalu saya saya fikirkan dari form 1.

I was sincerly touched. I also called my grandfather... he ask for a gift cause he prayed for me. I felt touched. Miss my grandpa!

Thanks to all my friends and family for the faith in me my cause' sometimes your faith is the only thing that keeps me going.

After taking my results, I'm more confident, I can be what I want to be. Despite some people doubts, I know I can do it, If I tried my best! 


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