Inspiration: Parents?

I tend to be curious who or what are my friend's inspiration. What gives them the drive to succeed. The will to win. Who gives them the push they need during tough times and a lift during sad times? I have asked around and ironically the same answers are given. It may sound cliche but their answers are their parents. Their parents are the one that inspires them to go beyond. I really do think my parents are the source of my inspiration. Especially during PMR. During UPSR, I was still immature the importance of exams escaped me. But during PMR, I had this need to prove myself. Most of the people I knew was doubting me. Including my parents. No teachers pat me on the back saying they knew I could do it. I was invisible and I felt invisible. So seeing my parents face light up after I got my PMR results was joyous. I felt happy that I could make them happy. I don't often make my parents that proud. It felt great. During SPM, I started to feel lost. I could not understand things and keep up with the class. I felt this pressure of competing with my classmate. I didn't know what I wanted to be anymore. I felt like I was walking and walking in maze not really sure where was the way out. And maybe not really caring anymore either. Now that I think about it. I think I should have asked for help. I needed it. But I was also afraid that people would scoff at me and belittle my problem. It would just make me feel worse. And I constantly told myself in a mirror that I shouldn't cry and how stupid I was being. I didn't need confirmation how stupid I was being from another person. Anyway, the talks with my father helped me a lot, in a way it made me feel that my life wasn't all too bad, it could be worse. My father was poor and his financial situation didn't exactly improve after leaving boarding school. He barely had shoes when he entered university. He survived. Look where he is now. Did anyone expect him to succeed? No. Not even his family. And his family is huge. So alot of people were doubting his credibility. He was sent to Sabah and so did my mum. But he was fine. It may have been hard but he made it. So my father really does inspire me. My mother also helped me a lot. Seeing as she is a teacher, she was very useful. She taught me math and addmath. Sometimes BM. She was the one who mostly helped me with my academics. She also took time off when I had PMR, made sure I ate and sleep properly. Even during SPM, she picked me up everyday after exams. She stayed up late and woke up early to teach me. She did not make me feel as if I was alone.
My parents are the one who help through the tough times, in many ways. Now that I am reaching towards adulthood, it becomes even clearer. Now that I am away from parents, it is plain obvious how much they have helped me out. Pushing me towards a safe direction.Thanks to their prayers and support, I have become who I am today. But now, I have to make my own decisions. I am too old for them to still be worrying over me. InsyaAllah, I'll make them proud.
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