The Quiet Girl

I sit here all quiet, anxious you'll hate me,
But who do I do this all for?
All you will remember of me is the girl who doesn't talk much.

No rumors or embarrassing tales to be told,
Cause, any possible risk I have avoid,
When people ask what impression you had of me,
All the answers I have heard, was the same,
A quiet girl who barely talks,
The girl in glasses who seems pretty shy.

Then, I ask myself, why?
Why sacrifice being who I am to be liked?
Why keep quiet to avoid spite?

Shoulder back and laugh along,
Speak without thinking too long,
If only I was not hesitant on what I should say,
Whether my words will bore you or hurt you,
Being silent cause I am afraid.

But all that you shall know of me is...
The way I smile and nod at everything you say,
No reply, opinion or retort to your stories or ideas,
Not much of a character or personality that stands out,
No individuality, originality or uniqueness,
Not much to say about me.

How long will this last?
This sense of inferiority,
Being in this box where I keep myself locked,
Not over going the barrier or line where I risk being opposed or loathed.

I shall no longer be contained,
I am freeing myself from these chains,
Releasing my craziness, randomness, quirkiness out,
Letting my sarcasm and pessimism run free,
Stop pretending to be nice and be a pushover,
I am just gonna be me.



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