Book Review: The Little Prince
I recently went to a book fair. And bought the book, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
I have heard about the book, and there was a movie made about it in 2015. So I watched the movie and realized I should read the book. I always prefer reading the book version as the movie tends to be lacking or just inaccurate.

In the movie, it seems to be from a girl perspective and she found the narrator of the story. And then the narrator tells her the story and she ends up meeting The Little Prince herself. To sum it up, it really didn't follow the book entirely. The movie seems to be inspired by the book.
Now on to the book review.
The story was short and bittersweet. If I had to summarize the story, it would be about a child's perspective on the grown-ups. The child would constantly wonder why do the grown-up think that way time and time again.
As I am myself considered a young adult, based on some people I would be considered an adult, but to others, I may still be considered too young to be a real adult just yet. Naive and not knowing much about life still.
We are put into the perspective of the narrator most of the times and he then would tell us stories that the little prince tells him.
I won't go too much about the plot and just focus on how I feel about the entire story. Because if you wanted the plot you could just google it or merely read it yourself.
I do like reading books that question people general thoughts. Like this child who questions why people around him do certain things in a certain way.
As grown-ups, or as we grow older we don't realize the habits we have accumulated from the people around us.
In the story, the little prince visits different planets, and it seemed to represent the different type of people you'd meet in life or hear about.
The little prince questions every one of them, the purpose they do things, and it makes you question them yourself. Why do they do it? Why do WE do it?
I think we do have the tendency to do things because it is merely expected of us to do so...

The little prince is very lonely. I think almost all the characters are lonely in its own way. The little prince travelled everywhere to only learn that he missed his rose and wanted to go back despite him wanting to leave initially.
I like books that questions how we view life and everything around us. Life can be quite dull sometimes. Sometimes you need to see things from a child perspective and question everything.

After finishing the book I felt a little sad. I hope everyone does read it. It is a classic book so I might be the late one.
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