
This still feels so surreal. Like, any day, I am just going to wake up and realize this was just some messed up dream. 

Just last week I was going to class, eating out, walking about. This week, LOCKDOWN. Everyone is asked to stay home. The number of people infected has increased drastically, last week it was maybe 200+ , now its 600+ and there have now been 2 deaths.

Everyone is using Italy an example of what not to do. Italy number has reached higher than China! With many deaths.

I am worried. Keeping up with the news, finding out the number of cases, increasing as time goes on.

Although many are frustrated by our government, at least as soon as they saw the numbers spiking, they issued a lockdown. I am tired of the hate, let's just work together.

This could all be avoided. People should take it more seriously. The simple solution is to just stay inside, social distance and wash your hands.

I do feel kinda happy that I get to stay inside and have no expectation to go out, and socialize. But I also feel a bit trapped. Plus, I do not like online classes. I prefer face-to-face learning. Nothing can beat face-to-face teaching, no matter how much technology has advanced.

My family was also able to bond during the pandemic. We pray together and talk more. Before, because some of us have school or work and we come home at different times, we all tend to do our own thing when all of us are at home.

I do also want to highlight I know I am lucky in the sense I can be comfortable despite the lockdown, not everyone has that privilege and I do not have to be worried about earning money to get by.  Stay strong everyone.

Stay strong everyone. Don't be selfish. Stay inside.


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