

There's just one thing I reaaalllyyy hate thinking about, Death... Any type of death, either it's friends or family or me...Mostly I hate thinking of me dying. I think this is normal, who'd like to think about anyone they love passed away? If there is someone, that's just...cruel.

I don't like hearing ceramah or some videos of ceramah about death. Then I can't sleep and I get scared. Me scared, not good! I'm the type who get a little paralyzed when I'm scared.

The ceramah they do about death is always done in a creepy way so we get even more scared, probably to scare us to do good. Remind us that we never know when we are going to die so we shouldn't waste our time doing bad. I get it. We never know...

Just yesterday, they did this type of ceramah where we all have to close our eyes, think what we it feels like if our mum died. Most of the people around me had tears in their eyes, while I had none. I'm not heartless! I just didn't want to listen! I didn't want to cry...Not in front of everybody.

I love my mum. The motivator brought the students who had lost their mums to the front, there was two girls (crying and hugging each other) and one boy (who was probably trying not to cry). Then the motivator asked their friends in the audience to come up and hug them. The girls friends when straight up to them and hugged. While for the boy it took awhile before a boy from the audience went up and hugged his friend and then the boy who lost his mum cried. Then suddenly many other boys came and hugged him.

I felt touched to see this. I still have my mum and dad. Alhamdulillah. I know there's going to come a time when they won't be there. I have thought about it, I have cried just thinking about it. I don't know what I'd do if my mum or dad was gone.

Mostly I did this post to remind everyone we should appreciate our mum. Even if you thought your mum never gets you or understand you...but it's probably not easy.

When we were born we obviously didn't have a manual. They had to deal with our emotions and drama. They had to learn what we like, what we hate, what the heck are we allergic to.

And if you guys have siblings, it means you're not the only one they have to deal with. You all have different personalities and you probably like different foods. Our mum have to think about that every morning.

While to those who think their mum doesn't understand them or doesn't love them. Don't think that way. Don't hate our mums, they went through a whole lot to bring us to this world and probably they just have different ways to show their love and support.

As we get older, they get older...Give your mum a break. Help them. They ain't no superman. They have feelings, they don't really ask much in return for taking care of you... just appreciate them and love them and help them. 

I just love this song and video. Heartwarming and a little sad. I love my mum!!


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