Another Huge Leap!!!
I am not sure if this was a good idea, but I am planning to join a program in Taiwan! I will be there for 5 days.
With everything I do, there is always a huge feeling of doubt and regret. Is this normal? I think I have very low self-esteem. This was a huge risk, which reminds me of the last huge leap I took, which was to Indonesia. And everything turned out fine~
The difference this time is that I definitely don't know anyone coming along this time because I am the only one from my faculty that would be joining! So I kinda would be representing my faculty in a way. Which seems very nerve-wracking. Do I have the capabilities?! I am just afraid I would end up disappointing everyone else.
I sometimes feel like Charlie Brown. I am a wishy-washy person. Should a wishy-washy person join these type of things?

But like last time, I braved on. I shook my fears and doubts away, and participated!
I have no idea what I would be facing over there...but neither did I know what I would be facing at Indonesia and I did fine. I took a leap in a way when I chose my course and so far I am fine.
What I regretted most about my times during high school was my unwillingness to join anything. I have a bland high school memory. Shall my university life become the same?
If I fail...what is the worse that could happen. I shall get up again and learn from my mistake. I kinda need some encouragement though.
I already gave my name. So there is no turning back...AHHHHHH!!!! Well, there is still a few months before the program itself. Fighting! Gambatte! Caiyok!
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