Why Sin?

I tend to think a lot about people. How do they become who they are? How come even if we live in the same household we still have different priorities and principles in life? Why is it easy for some to give in to peer pressure and follow their friends do shady stuffy while others don't? I don't know, I think like this now and then. I look at a person and think about why you like this? I also ask myself sometimes.  


The thing I think about the most is why people sin? As someone who came from a religious primary school, I end up being shock at how many of my old classmates changed afterwards. They used to be strict even to me, but now they aren't even following what they were preaching. Why? 

And you know, as times passed by, I think I understand why. The reason people who came from a religious background or went to a religious school or just known for being religious and pure, the moment they go off to work or study overseas or in another environment, they change...is because they didn't understand why. Why they had to follow those rules. They didn't do it because they fear god but because they feared people.

Sometimes we do stuff because we are afraid of being condemned by society. But what if in another society instead of being condemned, you were might even be praised for it or it was just normal. It might even be that by following those rules you learnt before, people treat you different or outcast you for it, which is the reaction you might get if you didn't follow the rules in the society you grew up in.

So that's why I feel that we need to emphasise why the rules are in place. And prepare our children to not easily be wavered instead of scaring them, make them understand the importance of it. Let them see the beauty of it. So then when we are questioned about our religious practice or our belief we won't be questioning it ourselves too.

I don't want to write about serious topics as I am not entirely knowledgeable about anything.

It's just that sometimes growing up when we ask why we have to do this, the answer some adults just give is, "You will go to hell if you don't." 

I remember a common reason I hear why we couldn't dye our hair was that we would look ugly if we did. "Imagine with a person with dark skin and then suddenly a blond hair, doesn't it look ugly?!" I would always get puzzled by that explanation but multiple people said that. What if we looked good? Then what?

I understand some rules are harder to explain and sometimes we also don't know the reason. But there shouldn't be a stupid explanation to cover it up. God is all-knowing and we mere mortals have to trust He knows better. There must be a reason why we can't do it. 

Humans are just humans, we don't know anything. 

For example, like smoking back in the OLD days, there were even ads for smoking. Years later though after research, the scientist realizes how unhealthy it is. So now it's not advertised. Experts only know so much. Science has its limitations too. We are constantly researching. Medicine in the 80s might not be applicable now. Some methods back then might not be applicable now.

That's how I think about the rules, we might not know why we have to do some of them. But there is a reason. Just because we can't see it now, doesn't mean there it isn't.

I just pity those who stray. It isn't always easy to stay on the path, especially depending on your environment. But be strong, don't chase worldly desires. This is all temporary. Life is short. 

I also don't like those who condemned those who stray from the path. This is also why those who aren't practising religion end up staying ignorant is because sometimes there are people who mock those who lack knowledge instead of just patiently answering and teaching. Let's guide them and help them understand. Let's help each other out.


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