

I find it funny how now that I am free I have no idea what to write. When I am actually busy, I would get inspiration on what to write about. I sometimes wish I wasn't born in the era of technology because it is so distracting. I feel the need to scroll through my phone although there is nothing to do on my phone.

I used to love reading and writing, I used to keep a diary and was able to read a really thick book like Harry Potter in a few days. Now just sitting down to write or read, my mind keeps telling me to open my phone.

At this point, it is easy to tell I am addicted. I wish I could put away my phone. But I have become paranoid without my phone. When I eat, I have to watch youtube on my phone. I walk around the house with my phone. Before I sleep I look at my phone. 

I guess, my new year resolution should be less phone. But, people share info by messaging on the phone. I am afraid I'll miss it...

But I miss the old me. Where I could easily be more focused on everything around me. The older generation would probably go on and on about how lucky we are, but I think technology is a blessing and a curse. This generation is known for having a shorter attention span for an obvious reason.

Anyway, I shall try to be less focus on the screens... I think if I write this down it will help me to actually try at least.

Good luck to me. 


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