Post Progress
Recently, I went through my blog. Some of my posts were cringeworthy. A huge part of me wants to delete them! But, this blog is in many ways my diary. I could see how much I have grown.
I used to write shorter posts. My posts were really short and overdone with pictures more than words. I was into Tumblr so I loved to share some pictures from there. I barely put pictures now. I would only put pictures if they came from me which is the right thing to do.
At present, I try to make my posts longer. I am not sure if I did that initially because I felt guilty it was too short or because I have more to rant about nowadays. One of the many reasons I think is because I was inspired by other bloggers.
A post I always wanted to do was A Book Review post. I maybe have highlighted how much of a reader I am. But I am always bad at book reviews for some reason. Maybe because I am not a good writer. I am also bad a recommending them to my friends. I have a hard time explaining to them on why they should read a book, I just end up saying "Just read it!".
I plan on writing a recommendation list though, of my fave book series.
I always dreamt of being a writer. But after a while, I realize maybe I didn't have it in me. This is due to the fact I find that I am not very eloquent or articulate. My vocabulary is limited and I am bad at writing descriptions.
This post is just a free flow post. I am probably going off topic here.
I am starting to wonder, are my posts too long? Maybe I should try to write a little, but often. I think I have pressured myself to write long posts and that's why I have so many drafts. Just snippets of rants.
I would try to write a new post then after writing a paragraph I kinda have no idea what to write anymore. I always force myself to go back to those drafts and continue writing but the feeling of anger or happiness during writing that post is gone and I couldn't relate to it anymore stays a draft.
I remember my teacher used to say his students, "If you ever feel anger, just scribble and draw or write."
And truthfully words flow out of me when I am angry. I try writing when I am happy, it doesn't work. So back in the day when I had a diary (and also in this blog), if there were some days I didn't write in it, it may because I was in a good mood and had nothing to rant about.
I miss having a diary but now that I am older and I am taking computer science, I hate writing by hand. I prefer to type. It is faster. I tried to write by hand but my hands can't keep up with my head. It frustrates me.
Anyway, not sure how to conclude this post but BYE!
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